
Churchdown Advertising just got easier

As far back as 1st March 2013 Churchdown Online, the villages main information website, joined forces with MyChurchdown – the full colour, full content local magazine distributed to 5,000 households bi-monthly.

Since then we’ve continued to operate as two identities whilst working closely to provide our readers with accurate and up to date information. We understand that this can be confusing and we’ve had feedback that for people wanting to advertise in Churchdown, it can be tricky to know who to get in touch with.

So we’re proud to announce the combination of Churchdown Online & MyChurchdown to create MyChurchdown & MyChurchdown Online. We’ll have a combined magazine, website and social media presence on Facebook & Twitter. All containing the same great content which our readers enjoy!

We’ve made it easier for you to advertise and reach both audiences, the estimated 7,500 people that see the printed magazine, the 1,100 that like the Facebook page, and all the people on top of that that visit the website. We will be making it even easier to advertise in all places, for maximum Churchdown Advertising Impact! Watch this space, or nag us for more info.

We’ve also refreshed our logo and strapline to reflect who we are and to symbolise our dynamic future. Our new logo retains core elements, including the ‘church on the hill’ and our new strapline ‘The Voice Of The Village’ represents what we’re about.

We’ve put a bit about the change in the current Churchdown magazine out now, and we’ve changed the logos which appear on our websites and social media pages. The new logo will be reflected in the next edition of the MyChurchdown Magazine (Nov/Dec)

We’d love to hear your comments on our new brand and logo! You can read more in the latest magazine (that’s still existing brand on the cover), click the cover.